We’ve been in Cambodia for six weeks now! We want to share briefly with you all a taste of what we experience on a daily basis.
There’s construction going on everywhere! This was taken at our hotel during quarantine. The two buildings on either side of our apartment are also in progress so we have steady background noise most days.
Our first meal in Cambodia! Every meal here consists of either noodles or rice.
The main corner near our house where we walk every day. It’s always busy!
Our street is relatively peaceful.
One of our regular grocery stores has a pet!
We’re loving the wide variety of fresh, tropical fruit! This mango tree is across from our apartment.
If we’re not on foot, we take a tuk-tuk.
When you don’t speak the language but think it looks cool.
Insert your own expletive?? We’re not sure what KFC is doing with this.
 Visiting the Japanese mall is a fun family outing.
We really enjoy worshiping with other Christians, even though we don’t speak the same language (yet!).
These monkeys hang out at one of the coffee shops near our school. Class is online, but we walk over each month to pay tuition.
We’re so grateful that God has placed us in this city. Thank you for praying for us as we adapt to this new environment and build new relationships!