Almost There!

Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Headed

In preparation for joining staff with Engineering Ministries International (EMI), we spent the last three months traveling, training, and support raising. We are extremely grateful for those of you that have supported our ministry financially! You have gotten us to 96% of our monthly goal, which allowed us to purchase our plane tickets to Cambodia. We will be leaving January 2 and starting language school in Phnom Penh January 11.

During these couple months back in Albany, Josiah has been busy with continuing education as well as participating on a proposal for EMI and a design guide, both of which have geotechnical engineering components.

Malachi helping pack for the big move!

We are also getting packed, finishing support raising, and trying to say goodbye to as many people as Covid-19 will allow! This is a crazy time filled with uncertainty, but we are thankful that we serve a God who never changes and promises to be with us wherever we go. Our missions training in Colorado taught us to read Psalm 139 in a new way, and we cling to this promise: “…if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast” (vv. 9-10).

EMI Making a Difference

Last month, EMI held their annual conference remotely for the first time. These conferences are intended to encourage spiritual and professional development and are used to invite engineers and architects outside of EMI to participate in the work God is doing around the world.

During the conference, we heard updates from each field office about how God is using EMI. One story that stood out to us was a campus design project that the Uganda office recently completed for the Gem Foundation, a ministry that cares for children with special needs. Click here for a brief video of their move-in day celebration. We love being part of an organization that gets to partner with all kinds of ministries that are changing lives every day, all over the world.

Get Involved

These design projects are only possible through the prayer and financial support of our ministry partners. At this point we only need a few more supporters at $50/month to join our team! We would be honored if you would consider a monthly commitment or a special gift to help with language school. All gifts through EMI are tax-deductible. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about our ministry! We’d love to connect with you before we leave.

  • Click here for online giving options.
  • Commit to praying for us by signing up for our newsletter here.