Small Steps

These last few weeks have marked many life changes as we prepare to mobilize to Cambodia. While it has been a challenge doing basically everything in the midst of a pandemic, we have seen God lead and provide for us every step of the way.

In July, we were busy packing away (or getting rid of!) our belongings in preparation to move. This was our first home together and it is sad to say goodbye. If you’ve seen our house, you’ll understand that we’ll probably miss the built-in bookshelves in the cozy bonus room the most.

Goodbye house!

Right now, we are on a road trip through California continuing support-raising, reconnecting with friends and family, and enjoying the beautiful US. This road trip was initially planned as an interim trip between two trainings. However, due to Covid-19 related concerns the August training has moved online, so we will return to Albany before our next training in September.

Josiah completed a security training in the middle of July. One of the biggest takeaways is the theology of risk (and the need for very good policy). God has not called us to live lives of comfort, but to follow Him. Maybe I will write more about this later!

Finally, and most importantly, Mr. Malachi has been a great traveler. He has recently been exercising his vocal range and has been super chatty. Have we mentioned this kid is 99th percentile in weight? What a chonk!

Malachi can’t help but pass out during our hikes.