What Is EMI?

Many of you may know that I (Josiah) have joined Engineering Ministries International (EMI) as staff engineer earlier this year. We’re using this blog to keep you all up to date about our exciting adventures in Cambodia, but I thought it was important to first begin by describing EMI in greater detail.

Engineering Ministries International

Simply put, EMI is a non-profit Christian ministry made up of engineers, architects, and construction managers who use their skills to serve developing communities abroad. They do this by partnering with other Christian ministries, churches, and NGOs to design and build facilities like schools, hospitals, ministry campuses and more.

EMI in Numbers

EMI has 11 offices around the globe including four in the west, six throughout Africa and Asia, and one in central America. In total, there are 162 staff members globally. We are excited to be joining the Cambodia office in Phnom Penh.

Last year, EMI completed 109 projects in 30 countries. These projects included 20 schools, 17 orphanages & housing projects, 31 ministry centers, and 8 hospitals.

EMI Offices Around the Globe. Click Here to Learn More about EMI.

As engineers, we spend a lot of time looking at maps. Our choice of map projection affects the way we view the world. Typically, we see the Mercator and Robinson projection in textbooks and in the news. These projections show the Americas in the west and Europe, Asia, and Africa in the east. EMI featured the above map on their website, which uses the Fuller projection. Hopefully, this challenges you to think about the world in a new way.

EMI Cambodia

EMI Cambodia is located in the bustling capital city Phnom Penh, in the south-central part of the country. This city was selected partly because of its strategic location in the heart of SE Asia, an unreached and extraordinarily diverse portion of the world. The office was launched in 2017.

The banner above shows the wonderful staff of the Cambodia office. Becca and I had the opportunity to meet with many of them in January. They are all lovely people and I look forward to working with them in the years to come!